Terms & Conditions
The receipt of your deposit and/or final payment will indicate that you and your travel agent (when applicable) have read these Terms and Conditions, and that you (and your agent) have accepted them. The Terms and Conditions below form the basis of the contractual relationship between Green Discovery Indochina (GDI) and its clients. It is extremely important that our clients understand and accept these Terms and Conditions as well as all web contents.
How to Process to Book with Us?
We make your online reservation extremely satisfying, comfortable and without apprehension over your security, privacy and concern about online reservations.
Deposits & Payment Policy
Deposit the amount equivalent to 30% tour the booking is required upon confirmation of booking tour. Balance of the trip will be done before the trip starts or by cash up on arrival. Payment collect can be made by our tour guide or Green Discovery Indochina’s staff. Money transfer or credit card payment with all bank transfer charges/ fees is paid by the clients.
Methods of Payment
There are 4 methods of Payment:
1. Online Payment with VTC Pay: Visa, Master Card and JCB accepted (2.8 % of the amount will be charge for bank fee)
We connect with VTC Pay Payment Gateway to accept Online Card Payment (https://vtcpay.vn/). All of your card information is processed through SSL protocol with international card security standard. Your card information will not be stored at our system (Merchant). After you have received Invoice Payment Link, please check the information of the Invoice. If all the information is correct, please check the Terms and Conditions and click, I agree with Terms and Conditions, and click Submit. You will be redirected to VTC Pay Payment Gateway to pay us online with Visa, Master Card and JCB with following steps:
Input Card information:
The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) will begin with https://vtcpay.vn/ To make the payment, you will input the following card information:
- Card Number
- Expiration Date
- CSC (Card Security Code – CVV, CVC)
- Billing address (Card holder’s address which has been registered with the Issuer Bank)
- Click “PAY”.
- Online payment password (If you have enrolled 3D- Secure Program for your card with the Issuer Bank namely Verified by Visa for Visa card, MasterCard Secure Code for MasterCard).
2. Made by telegraphic transfer, internet transfer to our following Green Discovery Indochina nominal account details:
Account name: Green Discovery Indochina Co.,ltd
USD account number: 0011374119999
Address: 31-33 Ngo Quyen Str, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 04 .39343137 Fax: 04 .38269067
Swift code: BFTVVNVX001
Website: www.vietcombank.com.vn
3. Visa, Master Card off line payment
(You only need to fill up the information through: Credit Card payment form and we can charge you from your card with the amount you need to pay + 2.5 % bank fee) Fax or send email as attachment file to us the reservation with filling fully detail required and send us the copy of your card if the amount over US$2,000/each. Note: Cash payment, travelers’ check and company check is applicable upon special request, but personal checks cannot be accepted.
4. By Western Union (sending money online): www.westernunion.com
Full name: TRINH HA Passport Numbers: B2729999 Sign up for an user with Western Union, send the deposit to us. Notify us that you have sent the money with following information: a. Sender’s name: b. Money Transfer Control Number ( usually 10 numbers): c. Sender’s Address: Note: sending money online is available only in some countries. If not available, please find an agent near to you to send money.
(For clients who make payment by credit card for offline payment only). Green Discovery Indochina will draw USD from your credit card. That amount is normally shown on your credit card. (2.5% of the amount will be charge for bank fee)
Service voucher
Voucher will be issued by Green Discovery Indochina after the booked trip is confirmed and payment is completed. A service voucher will be sent by email/fax or to passengers.
Booking Amendment
Flexibility is our strongest point. You can amend your booking when it is made. Just contact us at info@greendiscoveryindochina.com Our reservations team is glad to amend your booking accordingly.
Cancellation Policy
NON REFUNDABLE deposit of 30% of the tour or service price upon tours services confirmation
Cancellations will be charged as follows
+ 30 – 60 days before arrival: non-refundable deposit + 10 – 29 days before arrival: 50% of total booking included non-refundable deposit + Under 10 days before arrival: 100 % + No show: 100%
Green Discovery Indochina is not responsible for any loss, injury or damage sustained by passengers. Additional expenses incurred due to delays, accidents, natural disaster, political actions and unrest must be borne by the passengers. Passengers are required to have full travel insurance. Airline schedules and local conditions may affect accommodation and itineraries. Should this occur, Green Discovery Indochina will endeavor to substitute a suitable arrangement of similar value. Participation on any tours implies full agreement to the above conditions by all parties involved.
Passport and Entry Visa
Your passport must be valid for at least six months following your entry date to your travel destination. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of a valid passport and visa and all travel documents are valid for travel.
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is not included in your tour price. It is the passenger’s responsibility to verify whether his/her local health insurance carrier provides coverage while traveling. Please contact your insurance carrier for details. Green Discovery Indochina strongly advises that you purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy to cover all aspects of your tour: the loss of deposits through cancellation lot of baggage and personal items, personal injury and death. A waiver must be signed if insurance is declined. If you wish to speak to us, please call us at +84 439447388 and live chat www.greendiscoveryindochina.com – Live Support during working hours from 8:30AM to 17:30.